
Kontes SEO Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial

Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial

Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial - Не здзіўляйцеся, калі вытворчасць шын ТБК PT Gajah Tunggal атрымала шматлікія ўзнагароды як лепшыя шыны ў Інданезіі і за мяжой. Гэта з'яўляецца сведчаннем якасці гоначных шын і захавання сланоў ў іншыя сімвалы, нават калі замежныя брэнды.

Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial - Ён вырашыў прапанаваць доўгатэрміновыя адносіны Арганізацыі Аб'яднаных Нацый (60, чырвоны) і шыннай прамысловасці па-ранейшаму вельмі блізкія. Платныя і жудасны, колькасць узнагарод ён атрымаў доказ несупярэчлівасці якасці рэальных сланоў EST.

Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial - На самай справе, кожны стрэл заўсёды Слон "слухаць" "жадання" спажыўцоў. Гэта не цяжкая рэч, таму што слон у супольнасць, "сапраўднае" ў сваіх супольнасцях.

Пан-ды-Terbaik Інданэзіі GT Radial - Ахоп сланы на самай справе "казаць" на нацыянальным і міжнародным узроўні, многае іншае. Як брэнд, які нарадзіўся з чэрава Маці-Зямлі, і ў цяперашні час на міжнародным узроўні, GT Radial заслугоўваюць нашага калектыўнага пачуццё гонару.

Прызнанне таксама прыбылі з паўсядзённай дзейнасці ў Інданэзіі 15 сне 2009 GT Radial штырьков як "сапраўднае ўзнагароджанне для Інданэзіі" (SIP), арыгінальныя гандлю з Інданезіяй, які быў прызнаны ва ўсім свеце.

Раней, у 2008 годзе быў узнагароджаны Слон Primaniyarta гандлю. Прэмія прысуджаецца непасрэдна Прэзідэнту Рэспублікі Інданезіі Сусіла Бамбанг Юдхаёна, з'яўляецца глабальным брэндам з лепшых нацыянальных кампаній. "

У наземны сегмент легкавых аўтамабіляў брэнда GT Radial, утрымліваючы на ​​нявызначаны тэрмін. Шыны GT Radial Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), некалькі буйных вытворцаў аўтамабіляў у Інданэзіі, такія як Toyota і Daihatsu.

Інстытут па даследаваннях і распрацоўкам (R & D) мае моцны, танцаваць маёра. Кросовер выпускнік некалькіх экспертаў, якія з'яўляюцца кампетэнтнымі, каб танцаваць Chaleur рэгіёне. Некаторыя з іх з'яўляюцца выпускнікамі Політэхнічнай школе ў слана, адзін з заробку школе.

Адтуль ён пачаў CHAMPIRO Эка, які ў 2010 годзе выйграў сусветны рэкорд у Інданэзіі музей (Мури), першыя зялёныя шыны вырабляюцца ў Інданезіі.
READ MORE - Kontes SEO Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial

Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial

The GT Radial Terbaik ban in Indonesia

Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial - Do not be surprised if the production of tires TBK PT Gajah Tunggal received numerous awards as the best tires in Indonesia and internationally. This is a testament to the quality of tires Elephant Racing and overcome other brands, even if the foreign brands.

Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial - He chose the UN offer Remembering a long time (60 years old, red) in this society still tire industry closely. Paid and terrible, the number of rewards obtained elephant EST A genuine test of the consistency of quality is maintained.

Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial - In fact, every product launch is always Elephant "listen" to the wishes of consumers. This is not a difficult thing, because the elephant in the community, "present" in their communities.

Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial - Tyres elephant are really "talk" with many national and international level. As a brand that was born from the womb of Mother Earth, and now international, GT Radial deserve our collective sense of pride.

Recognition also came from the daily activity in Indonesia December 15, 2009 GT Radial pin as "a real reward for Indonesia" (IAPA), the original trade with Indonesia, which has been praised around the world .

Previously, in 2008, received the award for Elephant Primaniyarta Department of Commerce. The prize is awarded directly to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, is one of the best domestic companies in terms of "developing a global brand."

Domestically, the brand GT Radial passenger car segment, unshakable domain indefinitely. GT Radial tires used as Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), several major car manufacturers in Indonesia, such as Toyota and Daihatsu.

Department of Research and Development (R & D) is the Strong, a dance major Rolle. Crossover is a graduate of a few experts who are competent to dance Chaleur area. Some of them have graduated from the Polytechnic of an elephant, one of the main educational institution pays you.

From there, he began to CHAMPIRO Eco, which in 2010 received the award in Indonesia World Record Museum (MURI), a first-class, green tires made in Indonesia.
READ MORE - Ban Terbaik di Indonesia GT Radial

Mobil Keluarga Terbaik di Indonesia

Mobil Keluarga Terbaik di Indonesia - Siapa yang tak kenal dengan Daihatsu, salah satu pabrikan mobil terkemuka di Indonesia. tahukah anda Daihatsu telah berumur 104 Tahun? di umur yang sudah terbilang tua itu Daihatsu telah membuktikan bahwa mereka layak untuk menyandang gelar sebagai produsen Mobil keluarga Terbaik di Indonesia.

Semua itu terbukti dengan diluncurkannya sebuah mobil keluarga yakni New Sirion. New Sirion menjadi produk unggulan dari Daihatsu yang memang ditujukan bagi keluarga di Indonesia. Kita berharap juga pada Daihatsu selalu tetap menjadi produsen Mobil Keluarga Terbaik di Indonesia.
READ MORE - Mobil Keluarga Terbaik di Indonesia

Produk - Produk Toyota Triple Amazing Riau

Acara Peluncuran Toyota Triple Amazing Riau ini terdapat beberapa produk Toyota Triple Amazing Riau yang sangat anyar. Mau tau apa apa saja product tersebut ?

1. Kijang Innova Big Minor Change (BMC)

Kijang innova makin handal, konsumsi bahan bakar kian ekonomis dan lebih ramah lingkungan dengan mesing berteknologi Euro 2. Pada  acara Toyota TripleAmazing Riau ini di perkenalkan dan di tampilkan mobil dengan warna silver yang menarik. Menggunakan VVT-I (Variable Valve Timing-Intelligent) dimana mesin 16 Valve DOHC 2.0 WT-I menghasilkan performa yang optimal, responsif, efisien bahan bakar dan tentu saja ramah lingkungan. Juga menggunakan D-4D (Direct 4 Stroke Diesel Turbo Commonrail) dimana teknologi mesin 16 Valve DOHC 2.5 D-4D menghasilkan performa yang maksimal, getaran dan suara yang halus, efisien bahan bakar serta ramah lingkungan. Toyota Triple Amazing Riau juga mengklaim mobil ini nyaman dan lapang. Nikmati kenyamanan kijang innova yang luas dan di desain khusus untuk kemudahan dalam pengaturan ruang sesuai kebutuhan selama berkendara. Fitur keadaamannya dengan teknologi terkini untuk keselamatan anda sekeluarga sepanjan perjalanan. Di lengkapi berbagai fitur dan serbaguna untuk kenyamanan anda sekeluarga. Terdiri dari Tipe G dimana memiliki kelengkapan Tipe E M/T. Tipe V memiliki kelengkapan tipe G. Tipe J dan Tipe E yang memiliki kelengkapan tipe J M/T tentunya di tambah feature lainnya.


Grand New Kijang Innova dilengkapi berbagai fitur praktis dan serbaguna untuk kenyamanan Anda sekeluarga selama bepergian.

- New Steering Wheel with Steering Switch (Tipe V)
 - New Audio 2 DIN 6″ Touchscreen, DVD, CD, MP3, USB/AUX & WMA
 Player (Tipe G & V)
 - New Rear Roof Monitor (Tipe V)
 - New Corner Sensor (Tipe V)
 - New Front Personal Lamp & Sunglass Holder (Tipe V)
 - New Wooden Panel (Tipe V)
 - New Combination Meter (Semua Tipe).

2. Incridible Hilux

Well ini salah satu mobil yang mendapat penghargaan sebagai Best Budget D-cab. Dimana memiliki ciri single cabin dan double cabin. Anti lock bracking system, dual SRS bag, Multi information Display (MID), Spoke Steering Wheel, Memiliki Fog Lamp with chrome cover, Bed liner, ruang kabin yang ergonomik dan nyaman juga memiliki banyak fitur lainnya. Kalau anda mendaftar untuk membeli pada acara Toyota Triple Amazing Riau ini anda bisa dapatkan Gratis biaya jasa service berkalan s/d 50.000 Km per 3 tahun.

New Engine 2.5 L
 Commonrail VN Turbo Intercooler (VNT)

Menghasilkan Torsi yang besar di putaran mesin rendah

- New Allow Wheel Design
 - New Chrome Side Turn Lamp with Turning Signal Lamp
 - New Optitron Combination Meter Design with Illumination Control
 - New 4 Spoke Steering Wheel
 - ABS, SRS AirBag, Fog Lamp with Chrome Cover

3. New Fortuner

Toyota Triple Amazing Riau mengenalkan varian mobil Fortuner yang di namai New Fortuner. Memadukan design dan perfoma SUV kelas dunia yang tentu saja sangat tangguh. Fortuner TRD Sportivo Limited Edition merupakan Fortuner 2.5G Diesel yang dilengkapi dengan aksesoris genuine Toyota dari Toyota Racing Development 9TRD) dan tersedia dalam 2 pilihan yaitu 2.5G Diesel M/T dan 2.5 G Desel A/T. Tentu saja ini merupakan produk yang super amazing dari  Toyota Triple Amazing Riau.

The World Is Mine

Fortuner kini tampil dengan eksterior gagah yang akan memberikan kepuasan berkendara.

- New Outer Mirror with Turn Signal Lamp
 - New Head Lamp Design
 - New Radiator Grille Design
 - New Engine Hood Design
 - New Front Bumper Design
 - New Fog Lamp Design
 - New Front Fender & Over Fender Design
 - New Corner Sensor
 - New Instrument Panel
 - New Combination Meter
 - New Black Wood Ornament Panel
 - New Shift Knob

Untuk mendapatkan perbedaan produk dari toyota ini dapat langsung melihat  lewat situs Toyota

Berdasarkan pantauan saya ketika membaca dari Riau terkini info. Berikut penjelasan dari pihak Toyota Triple Amazing Riau :

Sehubungan dengan akan diluncurkannya varian terbaru produk Toyota yakni Kijang Innova Big Minor Change(BMC), Fortuner Big Minor Change(BMC) dan Hilux Minor Change(MC), main dealer Toyota wilayah Riau menggelar programToyota Triple Amazing Riau atau Pre Launching tiga varian terbaru produk Toyota.

Kegiatan yang dilakukan di Mal Ska atrium Kampar Pekanbaru dari 13 hingga 17 Juli 2011 mendatang sebut Supervisor PT. Agung Auto Mal sebagai Dealer Toyota di Pekanbaru, Hendi Bestari, SH kepada Riauterkini saat disambangi ke kantornya di Jalan Dr. Sutomo Nomor 13 Pekanbaru petang kemarin, merupakan kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan Toyota di pusat-pusat perbelanjaan terkemuka di Pekanbaru.

Dan dengan akan diluncurkannya tiga varian terbaru, kegiatan ini kian istimewa sebagai ajang bagi Toyota untuk memperkenalkannya ke tengah-tengah masyarakat Pekanbaru khususnya, Riau umumnya meskipun supporting unit baru akan hadir September 2011.

Selain itu, jelas Hendi ramah, Pre Launching penting dilakukan dealer-dealer Toyota yang ada di daerah guna mengenalkan produk-produk terbaru dan mengukuhkan image Toyota kepada masyarakat sebagai Mobil Idaman sehingga Toyota terus mendapat tempat khusus di hati masyarakat.

 "Kita tahu, image Toyota sangat melekat kuat di masyarakat. Kita harap dengan adanya even ini serta akan hadirnya varian terbaru, image yang sangat baik itu akan terus berlanjut, "tuturnya optimis.

Even yang akan berakhir 17 Juli 2011 mendatang, sebutnya, akan diisi dengan gelaran kegiatan-kegiatan terutama 16 dan 17 Juli 2011 akan diramaikan dengan berkumpulnya komunitas-komunitas Toyota seperti Kijang Club Pekanbaru, customer-customer yang loyal kepada Toyota dan banyak lagi lainnya.

"Dengan adanya peluncuran Innova baru, Fortuner baru dan Hilux baru, kita harapkan masyarakat makin cinta dengan produk-produk Toyota. Sekaligus kami ingin sampaikan mohon maaf karena keterlambatan mensuplai unit yang seharusnya bulan Agustus tertunda hingga September 2011, "pungkasnya.

READ MORE - Produk - Produk Toyota Triple Amazing Riau

Toyota Menjadi Triple Amazing

Toyota Triple Amazing - Toyota baru - baru ini telah melaunching produk terbaru mereka yakni Toyota Kijang Innova Big Minor Change. pada mobil ini Toyota telah mengubah beberapa komponen dari Toyota Kijang Innova Big Minor Change ini, terutama pada kapasitas mesin. Namun semua itu tidak mengurangi performance dari Toyota Kijang Innova Big Minor Change itu sendiri.
Toyota Triple Amazing Riau - Akselerasi yang diberikan oleh Toyota Kijang Innova Big Minor Change ini tetap terjaga. Dan Mobil ini memang ditujukan oleh Toyota bagi keluarga yang memiliki jumlah anggota keluarga 5-8 orang.
semoga acara launching Toyota Triple Amazing Riau ini akan terus diadakan untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan dari Toyota.
READ MORE - Toyota Menjadi Triple Amazing

Toyota Triple Amazing

Toyota Triple Amazing - begitulah tema yang diusung Toyota pada acara launching produk terbaru mereka beberapa waktu lalu di pusat pembelanjaan Mall SKA Pekanbaru. Tidak hanya acara launching saja yang dilakukan Toyota akan tetapi juga beberapa rangkaian acara lainnya seperti Lomab SEO dan lomba menari bagi anak - anak yang masih duduk di bangku TK.
Toyota Triple Amazing - Toyota pada kesempatan kali ini memperkenalkan 3 varian produk terbaru mereka, Toyota Kijang Innova Big Minor Change, Toyota Hilux Minor Change dan Toyota Fortuner Big Minor Change.
READ MORE - Toyota Triple Amazing

Cara Memperbaiki Flashdisk Rusak

Cara Memperbaiki Flashdisk Rusak - Tips Cara Memperbaiki/membetulkan Flash Disk yang mati,untuk bisa memperbaiki flash disk gampang-gampang susa untuk memperbaiki flash disk mati biasanya kamu menghadapi seperti ini :

Cara Memperbaiki Flashdisk Rusak - Saat flash disk tertancap di komputer win XP, sedang dipakai namun tiba-tiba windows hank alias frozen. Setelah komputer di booting paksa dan di hidupkan lagi, ternyata flash disk yang tertancap tadi mati. Falsh disk tidak bisa bekerja lagi. Windows mendeteksi kapasitasnya 0 MB dan mengeluarkan pesan untuk memformatnya. Dicoba untuk di format gagal juga. Akhirnya gak terpakai lagi deh tuh Flash disk.

Kalau memang kasus seperti ini yang anda alami terhadap kerusakan flash disk anda. jangan khawatir kita masih bisa coba untuk menyelamatkan dan menghidupkanya lagi. Berikut ini langkah-langkah untuk memperbaikinya:

Cara Memperbaiki Flashdisk Rusak
1.Softawre yang kita perlukan untuk keperluan ini adalah HP Drive Boot Utility (buatan HP namun jangan khawatir ternyata bisa kita gunakan untuk merek yang lainya. Bahkan untuk memory kamera juga). Anda bisa download di bawah ini.

2.Setelah di download,jalankan dan pilih drive untuk falsh disk yang akan diperbaiki
3.Pilih tipe format disk yang mau di gunakan (FAT, FAT32 atau NTFS)
4.Pilih Quick Format
5.Kemudian pilih start untuk memulainya
READ MORE - Cara Memperbaiki Flashdisk Rusak

Toyota Triple Amazing Riau

Toyota Triple Amazing Riau -Varian terbaru Kijang Innova Big Minor merupakan kendaraan unggulan yang dicari untuk transportasi para atlet ajang pengejar prestasi dan prestise pada Pekan Olah Raga Nasional (PON XVIII 2012 RIAU).

PON XVIII tahun 2012 di Riau merupakan Pekan Olah Raga Nasional yang termodern dan termegah pada decade masa ini, yang didukung berbagai fasilitas termodern dan ekskulive karena didukung dari berbagai sponsorship multi event.

Kijang Innova Big Minor merupakan pilihan brand yang tepat dari pemikiran para pakar pengurus besar PON XVIII 2012 Riau yang mengutamakan tingkat layanan kenyamanan,selera,dan keamanan transportasi bagi para atletik dan tamu undangan  di Riau nantinya.

Toyota Triple Amazing Riau - Selain Kijang Innova Big Minor Change(BMC), Fortuner Big Minor Change(BMC) dan Hilux Minor Change(MC), yang merupakan Triple Amazing bagian yang dilirik para Pengurus Besar PON XVIII 2012 Riau, untuk para Tamu Undangan dan Pejabat Tinggi Negara serta untuk fasilitas pendukung para pengurus inti yang akan di persiapkan oleh Event Organizer.

Diluncurkannya Toyota Triple Amazing tiga varian terbaru dari Toyota, kegiatan ini kian istimewa sebagai ajang bagi Toyota untuk memperkenalkannya ke masyarakat Riau, karena pilihan produk ini tidak diragukan lagi kualitasnya.
Sedikit meriview ke unggulan Toyota Triple Amazing ini

Keunggulan Toyota Triple Amazing Innova

Dibekali dengan mesin 2.0 liter (136 hp) 1TR-FE VVT-i dan 2.7 liter 2TR-FE VVT-i untuk mesin bensin, serta 2.5 liter (102 hp) 2KD-FTV D4-D common rail variable geometry turbocharger untuk mesin dieselnya. Versi 2.7 liter kini tidak lagi dipasarkan di Indonesia. Ketika masih dipasarkan, versi 2.7 liter hanya dijual untuk Tipe V dengan transmisi otomatis.

Toyota Kijang Innova adalah sebuah MPV buatan Toyota Motor Corporation yang diproduksi di Indonesia oleh Toyota Astra Motor sejak tahun 2003. Merupakan kelanjutan dari Toyota Kijang dan dipasarkan tahun 2004. Di negara lain, mobil ini hanya disebut Toyota Innova.
Memiliki tubuh / body yang cukup besar , tak hanya itu ke unngulan innova ini adalah irit BBM, Kenyamanan lebih bagus Innova, suspensi lebih empuk, dan AC  , mobil innova ini Teknologi yang menjadi penggerak utamanya berbeda. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan keandalan, mesin Innova menggunakan teknologi DIS (distributorless ignition system) dan busi cerutu. Masih bnyak keunggulan laiinya

Keunggulan Toyota Triple Amazing Riau  Fortuner
-ground clearance tinggi , jadi bisa nerobos banjir
- merek toyota (after sales servisnya bagus)
- tampilan gagah
- bensin lumayan irit (klo yang diesel) sekitar 1:11
- tempat duduk 3 baris ( 8 seater)

Pada Body  Fortuner terlihat gagah dengan kap mesin datar dengan posisi yang tinggi. bentuk body Fortuner tidak bisa diremehkan, body fortuner dan memasangkan Turbo di mesinnya agar fortuner tidak kalah dari mobil mewah laiinya

Toyota Fortuner diproduksi dalam berbagai macam variasi sebagai berikut: G M/T, G A/T, G Lux A/T dan V A/T. Variasi terendah dan termurah diawali dengan G M/T menggunakan mesin 2.500 cc D-4D bertransmisi manual dan penggerak 4x2. Diikuti dengan G A/T bermesin 2.700 cc berkode 2TR-FE 2.7l VVT-i 4x2 bertransmisi otomatis. Selanjutnya G Lux A/T memiliki spesifikasi sama dengan G A/T dengan perbedaan pada jok kulit dan 6 in-dash cd changer. Varian paling atas dan mewah adalah V A/T yang memiliki semua peranti G Lux dan satu-satunya model yang berpenggerak 4x4. Warna-warna eksteriornya di antaranya Super White, Silver Metallic, Greyish Brown Metallic, Dark Grey Mica, Black Mica dan Blue Metallic.

Keunggulan Toyota Triple Amazing HILUX

Mobil ini memiliki disain yang sangat mewah dan sangat tangguh. Jika mobil bak terbuka yang lain hanya dapat ditumpangi 2 sampai 3 orang, mobil ini mampu membawa 4 sampai 5 orang. Apabila anda adalah seorang lelaki yang tangguh, Toyota Hilux ini adalah mobil yang sangat cocok untuk anda.

Pertama HILUX  dapat kita lihat dari mesin dan performanya. Mesin Diesel 1KD-FTV 3.0 liter yang di tanamkan pada HILUX mampu menghasilkan tenaga paling besar di kelasnya, yakni 163 PS dan torsi 35kgm. Bahkan torsi maksimum dapat di capai pada putaran mesin lebih rendah yaitu 1.400-3.400 rpm. Karakteristik ini membuatnya sangat cocok menyandang predikat sebagai kendaraan off road yang banyak di gunakan di medan berat.

Keunggulan kedua dating dari ukuran dimensi Hilux yang lebih panjang dan bentuk body yang lebih besar di banding pesaing sejenis di kelasnya. Hal ini memperkuat citra gagah pada HILUX D-CAB dan menghadirkan ruang interior yang lebih lega di saat yang bersamaan.

Keunggulan ketiga adalah sejumlah fitur yang di miliki oleh HILUX dan tidak di miliki kompetitornya. Fitur-fitur itu adalah side step alumunium yang merupakan fitur standar dari HILUX  yang fungsional untuk memudahkan akses ke kabin, sekaligus menegaskan Hilux sebagai kendaraan yang siap di segala medan

Toyota Triple Amazing Riau
ketiga produk ini sangat mempesona sebagai konsumen, peluncuran Toyota Triple Amazing Riau Innova baru, Fortuner baru dan Hilux baru, kita harapkan masyarakat makin cinta dengan produk-produk Toyota. info lengkap tentang produk Toyota Triple Amazing anda bisa lihat di website dialer  toyota di AgungAutoMall.co.id

READ MORE - Toyota Triple Amazing Riau

All about Toyota Mirrors: Functions, Importance and Buying guide

by: Terry Brown

Most auto parts are important in the proper operation of an automobile. Meanwhile, some play a more important role in keeping the vehicle and its occupants safe. Auto Mirrors are some of the most important safety features of any automobile. We most often associate mirrors with vanity, but in automobiles, mirrors serve primarily for safety. Mirrors serve as a second pair of eyes for the driver by giving a good view, with a slight glance of the eye, of what is happening behind the vehicle without taking his eyes of the road. Visibility is always important and mirrors make sure that whatever is beyond the normal periphery of the driver's vision is made visible. Thus, the driver can react appropriately to whatever is happening behind him and avoid any accidents.

There are two basic types of auto mirrors: the rear view mirror and the side mirrors. The rear view mirror is a wide rectangular mirror that the driver's use to view anything behind the car. With a rear view mirror, the driver doesn't have to turn around to see what's going on behind the car. By simply glancing upward, the driver is able to see whether another car is coming too close or whether the rear of the car is about to hit something, for example, when parking. Rear view mirrors are indispensable in the safety of any car. In some cars, a "day/night" selector switch adjusts the tilt of the mirror so that it would divert most of the light striking it upwards to the car's headliner. This makes the mirror more useful as it minimizes the glare.

The other important types of mirrors are the side mirrors. Side mirrors are further divided into two kinds: driver's side mirrors and passenger's side mirror. The driver's side mirror is located at the driver's side of the car's body. As with the rear view mirror, the driver's side mirror provides an important view of whatever is behind or beside the car without the driver having to turn around. The mirror can be adjusted to match the necessary visibility position. The driver's side mirror is often adjusted manually outside the car. In some cars, the mirror can be adjusted inside the car by a series of cables. At the other side of the car's body is the passenger's side mirror, which has the same functions as the one on the driver's side.

Auto Mirrors are very important parts of any automobile. Without them, the safety of the vehicle and its occupants is greatly compromised. Thus, defective or damaged auto mirrors must be replaced at once so that the safety of the car and its passengers is not endangered. Replacement auto mirrors are some of the most common auto parts available. Toyota vehicle owners would find that Toyota Mirrors are readily available. If you are looking for aftermarket Toyota Parts such as Toyota mirrors, you should purchase only from a reliable and trusted auto parts supplier. Auto Parts Inner is a leading auto part store offering excellent quality Toyota Parts such as Toyota A/C Condensers, Toyota Fuel Tank, Toyota Bumpers, Toyota Floor Mats, Toyota Catalytic Converters, Toyota Headlights, Toyota Radiators and other essential auto parts. With their low prices, fast and efficient service and the durability and superb quality of their Toyota auto parts, Auto Parts Inner is your ultimate online auto parts shop.

About the author:
Terry Brown is a 32 year old from Houston Texas, and an enthusiast for anything auto related. He is currently employed as a market analyst by one of the top car parts company in the area. His automotive articles provide valuable source of information for auto enthusiasts like him as well as to those in need of automotive research.
READ MORE - All about Toyota Mirrors: Functions, Importance and Buying guide

A Little Rubber Hose--Your Life Depends On It!

by: Tommy Sessions

I won't go into details with this job, but I want you to think about it. Your brakes are very important. Your life depend on them. When you have to have brakes repaired on your favorite vehicle, don't skimp.

Sure, it looks like all you need is a set of pads, or shoes. But, if the pads or shoes are wore out, what about the other parts?

I don't recommend having the rotors or drums turned. I know, a lot of technicians will tell you that you will have better braking if you turn them. On the small cars with the removable rotors on the front, I have had some turned, and then I had to buy the customer a new set of rotors and pads!

For some reason, the little rotors seem to eat the pads, after you have them turned. They are not that expensive. Go ahead and replace them if they are not usable. By that, I mean, if the pads were down to the metal plate and rubbing on the rotor.

Another thing to take into consideration is the rubber line coming from the caliper to the metal line that goes to the master cylinder. if your vehicle is several years old, that line is too.

Those lines tend to deteriorate inside. With the heat from the outside air, and from the engine, and the rotor when you apply your brakes, the fluid gets rather hot.

If you don't replace those two lines on the front you may have to replace a lot more parts. The particles from the inside of the hoses will get into the master cylinder and the caliper.

The master cylinder can cause a major malfunction and not apply the brakes when you need them. See
the little child playing ball in the street?

If the particles get into the caliper, they can cause it to "stick" in the outward position. That could happen, and I've seen it, when you apply your brake, and release them. Only thing, the caliper doesn't release.

This causes the piston in the caliper to keep pressure on the pads against the rotor. It will cause the vehicle to pull to one side upon braking. It will burn the pads before their time. It will probably overheat the rotor and cause it to crystallize, causing it to loose its braking power even if you put new pads on it.

It can also cause extreme heat through the system. Causing the grease in the wheel bearing to melt and run off the bearings. Then you have a wheel bearing  to go out. Is a $39 hose worth it?

Replace it the next time you have a major brake repair. Have the master cylinder and brake lines flushed, and new brake fluid added every two or three years.

About the author:
Tommy has been in auto repair since 1970. He publishes Bad Car Again for people who want to learn about their favorite vehicle, and about things that do happen at some repair shops. Join the ezine: mailto:badcaragain@txucomnet?subject=join_ezineA1 Visit the site: http://www.badcaragain.com
READ MORE - A Little Rubber Hose--Your Life Depends On It!

Airbag SDM ' Black Box ' Crash Data Retrieval Information for GM Cars

by: Jenny McLane

The benefit of retrieving data from flight data recorder using the Black Box was only available to airlines for many years. This invaluable instrument, which helps determine what happened in the critical time before a crash, is now available as Airbag SDM crash data retrieval system on GM cars.

In response to the call of the National Transport and Safety Board (NTSB) in 1997 that vehicle manufacturers and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration team up to gather information on vehicle crashes using on board collision sensing and recording devices, General Motors expanded the data downloaded to permanent memory in the air bag sensing and diagnostic module at deployment or in a near deployment collision.

The capability to record pre-crash data has since expanded with time and technological advancement. General Motor's Vetronix crash data retrieval tool (CDR) collects vehicle crash data via the air bag system SDM.

General motors together with Vetronix Corporation developed the Vetronix CDR System, which downloads the data stored in recordable airbag modules.

Software, hardware and interface cables allow recorded data such as Delta V, driver seat belt usage and pre-impact data to be downloaded to commonly used computers in easy to read format. Interface cables that connect directly to the airbag module are available for vehicles that cannot be powered up after a crash.

This new technology then also makes it easy for investigators to input other vital information, like weather conditions, and send the data to a remote database. The final 5 seconds leading up to an accident event is very vital information that can be stored at the airbag SDM module recorder. This process can only be done using the Vetronix CDR equipment and a PC.

Includes most 1994 and newer Chevrolet, GMC, Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Cadillac, GM trucks, Saturn, and Hummer vehicles have GM airbag SDM recorded data coverage.
Parts Train is where you can order genuine GM truck or GM car parts and accessories at wholesale prices. We supply every GM parts available today. Our huge inventory and our efficient delivery system allow us to get your parts to you quickly. If you need to have your parts shipped to you right away, then Parts train is the right one for you. Our staff is highly experienced and knowledgeable with all GM car parts and accessories. Visit Parts Train now at http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/GMC .
About the author:

Jenny McLane is a 36 year old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about it. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading car parts suppliers in the country today.


READ MORE - Airbag SDM ' Black Box ' Crash Data Retrieval Information for GM Cars

A Guide to U-Haul Trailer Hitches -

by: Elizabeth Morgan

U-Haul is best known for its rental trucks used to help people move, but they also sell trailer hitches and trailer hitch accessories. U-Haul makes trailer hitches that accommodate all kinds of vehicles, including many cars. Different models of U-Haul trailer hitches can haul up to 24,000 pounds. U-Haul makes and sells all needed trailer hitch parts, including hitch balls, ball mounts, receivers, and brake controllers.

U-Haul makes some small trailer hitches that can be secured onto cars. These hitches usually can’t be used to haul as much cargo as heavy-duty trailer hitches found on trucks, but they are still useful. Most car U-Haul trailer hitches can handle loads up to 2000 pounds. These hitches can be bolted onto the car’ frame, usually using preexisting holes. This is a better option than welding the hitch to the frame, which can cause electrical problems and can make the frame much weaker.

U-Haul trailer hitches are not just made for cars. U-Haul manufactures a wide range of trailer hitches to accommodate almost any kind of vehicle. Their heavy-duty hitches can bear loads of up to 24,000 pounds. U-Haul trailer hitches are among the strongest on the market and can come with a lifetime unlimited warranty for an extra five dollars.

U-Haul is a one-stop shop for all towing needs. U-Haul sells all necessary brake controls and electrical wiring needed to make the trailer hitch completely functional. The law requires that trailer hitches be equipped with working brake lights and brakes, so it is vital that consumers make sure they purchase this equipment.

U-Haul is one of the top trailer hitch dealers in the country. U-Haul sells quality trailer hitches and accessories at low prices. Their lifetime warranty is one of the most comprehensive in the industry.

About the author:
Trailer Hitches Info provides detailed information on motorcycle, U Haul, and gooseneck trailer hitches, as well as trailer hitch accessories like trailer hitch covers and bike racks, and advice on trailer hitch installation. Trailer Hitches Info is the sister site of Tire Chains Web.
READ MORE - A Guide to U-Haul Trailer Hitches -

Aftermarket, OEM, OE Auto Parts Explained

by: Joe Thompson

Aftermarket, OEM, replacement parts—you see these words in almost all auto parts stores online. What do these terms mean?

For a passive buyer, these things are but ordinary terms used in the automotive market but for someone meticulous and who wants the best for his auto, these things matter considerably. Deciding which among these to purchase is just like deciding what car to buy.

O.E.M. stands for Original Equipment Manufactured. This means that OEM Ford parts are manufactured by Ford itself, Chevrolet parts are manufactured by Chevrolet, Toyota parts by Toyota, BMW parts by BMW and so on. The terms O.E.S. and OE are also used; these mean Original Equipment Supplied and Original Equipment, respectively. While in many cases, OEM and OES mean the same, OE is more general referring to any part that came as original equipment on the car. Some of OE car parts and components are not actually made by the car manufacturer but are purchased and assembled by the automakers to create a vehicle.

Those referred to as “aftermarket auto parts” are not made by the original car manufacturer; furthermore, they are bought and added to the vehicle only at the dealership or after the vehicle left the dealership. In terms of design and function, aftermarket products are almost the same as the stock auto parts since they are primarily used to replace a damaged original part so that the vehicle can continue to run. If you need replacement parts for your car, however, you can either buy O.E.M. or aftermarket auto parts. There are numerous sources of aftermarket auto parts. Stores like Auto Parts Discount give you a great variety of parts for almost all makes and models.

Some cars, especially the base models are not completely equipped so users just add aftermarket parts later on. For example if you have purchased an old Toyota Corolla, you can add aftermarket Toyota fog lights, Toyota spoiler, Toyota turn signal light or Toyota mirrors. Aftermarket products can also help you give your car a fresh new look. Even if your original parts are not yet damaged or worn out, you can replace them with or add specially designed aftermarket auto parts like Honda taillights, Ford center cap, Chevrolet chrome bumper, and Mercedes Benz Front Cover Towing Eye found at Auto Parts Discount.

Enthusiasts, on the other hand would opt for custom parts and specialty equipments. Compared to a universal fit auto part, which can be installed to any vehicle make, year and model, custom aftermarket products are designed to fit only a particular application. Examples of custom parts are your Ford hood, Ford fender and Ford doors. Specialty equipments on the other hand, are intended to make the vehicle more stylish, comfortable, convenient and more up-to-date.

Most auto users prefer aftermarket products because they are less expensive than OEM replacements. While it is true that there may be some aftermarket auto parts that do not meet high standards of original equipments, it is not right to say that aftermarket products are generally inferior in terms of quality and style. Replacement parts sold at Auto Parts Discount, for example are made by car parts manufacturers that are mandated by high international standards.

Which is better, OEM or aftermarket replacement part? It depends on the product. Some OEM parts are not durable enough while the aftermarket parts you use to replace them could last for many years. If you want to give your car a different look and also, if you want to save, aftermarket products are worth a try. However, make sure to get these replacement parts from trusted sources.

About the author:
Joe Thompson is the owner of a successful auto body shop in Ferndale, California. This 48 year old is also a prolific writer, contributing automotive related articles to various publications.
READ MORE - Aftermarket, OEM, OE Auto Parts Explained

Aftermarket Auto Lights to Match Ultimate Driving Machine’s High Standards

by: Joe Thompson

Aftermarket auto parts abound in the market nowadays, making it easier for anyone to upgrade, repair, customize or refurbish his vehicle. Various kinds of replacement car, truck and other auto parts and accessories can be easily bought and they are offered in very affordable deals not only for auto mechanics and retail store owners but most especially to individual do-it-yourself users who want to save in their repair needs. Even stock automotive parts of major European makes that used to be so hard to replace are now conveniently offered in thousands of auto parts stores online.

BMW Parts are among the most finely made car parts in the industry—parts that make a BMW the “Ultimate Driving Machine.” That tagline isn’t pure hype that’s meant only to attract people; it’s a statement based on BMW’s almost century-old tradition of excellence in manufacturing aircraft engines, railway brakes and automobiles. It is only apt to replace stock BMW parts with equally high quality replacement or after market BMW parts that could match this vehicle’s performance. Exterior parts such as the auto lights, the wheels, the hood and other body parts require precision to be able to live up to BMW’s perfect balance of form and function.

Now the good news is Auto Parts Discount is offering the most sophisticated aftermarket automotive lights for BMW cars and thousands of other BMW auto parts. Featured in the store are BMW parts such as auto headlights, taillights, fog lights, corner lights and clear altezza taillights made by top car parts manufacturers and are guaranteed superior quality. They are perfect ways to improve not only your car’s safety but as well as its style. All BMW headlamps, taillights, and fog lights from this store are superbly designed to match every spec of your BMW, whether it’s a BMW 3 series, BMW 4 series or BMW M roadster.

Why get aftermarket auto lights for your BMW? Aftermarket auto parts do not mean inferior. Some non-OEM auto lights may not meet high quality standards of your vehicle manufacturer but this is not true to all, especially when you are getting replacement parts from trusted BMW dealers like Auto Parts Wholesale. Here you are assured to get the most dependable products for your BMW ranging from BMW auto lights to wheel cover, radiator support, A/C condenser, tarter and a whole lot more.

Lights such as the headlamps, fog lights and tail lights are very essential in your vehicle so they must be durable and reliable enough to give you the long quality service. When driving through unfamiliar and dark places, driving without auto lights is like committing suicide, so make sure you are equipped with premium quality lights that could not only light up your way and make your car visible as you move down the road but could give you peace of mind no matter how bad the weather or the circumstances are.

About the author:
Joe Thompson is the owner of a successful auto body shop in Ferndale, California. This 48 year old is also a prolific writer, contributing automotive related articles to various publications.
READ MORE - Aftermarket Auto Lights to Match Ultimate Driving Machine’s High Standards

Affordable Spoilers and Performance Parts available at Partstrain

by: Jenny McLane

Chevy cars like the Cavalier has a unique tuner-theme body kit, lowered suspension, wheel flares and a functional rear spoiler that gives it a distinct appearance. Bring out the true performance greatness of your Chevy by adding Parts Train's Chevy spoiler or a wing to your car is a great way to a sportier and cooler stance. Body accessory like a Chevy spoiler can make a huge difference on the car's over-all look. It can be universally made, customized or made for a specific type of vehicle.

Universal spoilers fit all car types but other models need a specific kind of spoiler to suit its distinct features and dimensions. Custom made wings can reflect the uniqueness and individuality of the car and the user since he can decide as to what will be the specific style, color and design he desires. Chevy Spoilers like all other car spoilers used to be the property of race and sports cars, which is commonly mounted on the rear side of the vehicle. Other makes and models have them front and back.

Make Parts Train's Chevy spoilers an important part of your Chevy body kit and accessories. As with all other car spoilers, Chevy spoilers are meant to increase "road grip." The vehicle's weight is actually a good way to increase its grip or hold on the road. Increase in weight forces the tire of the vehicle onto the road's surface but can have negative results on the handling and steering of the car. Added weight means added inertia, which needs to be overcome for facility of movement.

Chevy Spoilers (rear spoilers or rear auto wings) as in the Chevy S10 body kit function like airplane wings although it is mounted upside down. Cars with spoilers have greater advantages over others. Chevy Spoilers add up to the car's weight and overcome the difficulty in steering and handling.

With Parts Train's Chevy Spoilers, the car can slide easily and can stick better on the road. Aside from the generated down force, drag is also produced with the spontaneous reaction of the air to resist motion.

Parts train is dedicated to providing you with genuine Chevrolet parts. OEM Chevrolet parts and accessories are at great discount prices. Just browse through http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/CHEVROLET for your online parts catalog, which lists millions of genuine parts for Cadillac vehicles.

Parts train is the most complete line up of Chevrolet auto parts and accessories from engines, automotive parts and performance parts to body parts, panels and accessories. Dedicated in giving you the best, Partstrain offers only parts of premium and high resistant quality.

About the author:
Jenny McLane is a 36 year old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about it. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading car parts suppliers in the country today.
READ MORE - Affordable Spoilers and Performance Parts available at Partstrain

Add style to your car by adding a new Rim and Tire!

by: Mike Yeager

Wheels and tires are obviously important, but in terms of how your car looks, they're probably the more boring parts of your car. You can change all of that by adding a rim and tire package to your car. The most popular options for cars is usually the asymmetric rims, centerless rims, and three-piece cylindrical rims with no drop center. There are many other rim and tire packages to choose from. Be aware that while some rim and tire packages are pricey, there are also some cheap rim and tire packages available. Don’t worry if you don’t have a car but still want a rim and tire package; you can get new rims for almost any vehicle, including motorcycles and trucks. One of the newest rim and tire package to come out is the VRD-8 Silver Wheel and Tire Package. These Volution Racing Wheels are made specifically for car tuners that want only the best. The VRD wheel and tire package includes four profile tires and four Volution sport wheels.

If you are planning on buying a rim and tire package, be aware that some of the more elaborate rims may be a distraction to other drivers and therefore banned in your state. Always be sure to check that your rim and tires are legal for the state you live in. Just because your car is old doesn’t mean it has to be boring. If you want to spice up the way your car looks, there is no better solution that a rim and tire package.

About the author:

READ MORE - Add style to your car by adding a new Rim and Tire!

Add-on Accessories To Enhance Your Car

by: Alan Detwiler

There are many add-on devices and gizmos for cars that can provide features to make your ride better. There are accessories that will give you music that is more to your liking. A gps with maps can display the route to take to your chosen destination. A heated mug will keep coffee hot as long as the car is running. There are other useful functions and nice effects that add-on accessories can provide. Many car accessories are low enough in price so that they may be well worth installing. This article concentrates on the lower priced accessories. Most are under $50.

Here's the list with some information and comments about each:

12 volt heated mug - A mug with a plug for getting power from the cigarette lighter socket. It keeps a liquid such as coffee hot for as long as the vehicle is running. Some models have a thermostat to set the temperature.

Example models:

Wagan Tech Heated Travel Mug. At www.autoanything.com/products/product_sp.aspx?p_id=1552,about $30.

NexxTech™ Travel Mug with Thermal Control At www.circuitcity.com/ssm/NexxTech-Travel-Mug-631-8375-/sem/rpsm/oid/100379/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do, about $20.

Power Up Thermal Mug. At www.radioshack.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=CTLG&category%5Fname=CTLG%5F010%5F004%5F001%5F000&product%5Fid=270%2D4133, about $20.

Cooler/warmer - These give the choice of keeping food or beverage hot or cold. Some are sized to hold a can of soda or a mug of coffee, larger units might hold a six pack or more.

Example models:

Wagan Car Cooler/Warmer. At www.autoanything.com/products/product_sp.aspx?p_id=1300 about $75

Koolatron 8 quart Food Cooler/Warmer. At www.jcwhitney.com/autoparts/ItemBrowse/c-10101/s-10101/p-100000200861/mediaCode-ZX/appId-100000200861/Pr-p_CATENTRY_ID:100000200861, about $80

Vector 6-can Portable Food Cooler & Warmer Chest.
At www.jcwhitney.com/autoparts/ItemBrowse/c-10101/s-10101/p-100000154620/mediaCode-ZX/appId-100000154620/Pr-p_CATENTRY_ID:100000154620">ZX076971R, about $50

Cell phone charger - Plugs into the cigarette lighter socket to power or charge your cell phone.

Example models:

Custom Accessories Deluxe Power Cord Charger - Motorola.
At www.carlovershop.com/karparts/itempg.icl?secid=2&subsecid=25&dirpage=dir2&curitempos=6&numitems=13&itmid=197&eflag=0, about $20.

Custom Accessories Power Cord Charger - Motorola. At www.carlovershop.com/karparts/itempg.icl?secid=2&subsecid=25&dirpage=dir2&curitempos=12&numitems=13&itmid=200&eflag=0, about $10.

Radio Shack 273-1288 Car Power Adapter for Hitachi SH-P300 Wireless Phone. At www.radioshack.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=CTLG&category%5Fname=CTLG%5F008%5F001%5F014%5F028&product%5Fid=273%2D1288, about $30.

Quick Cell 3900 Car Charger Nokia. At http://www.partsamerica.com/ProductDetail.aspx?categorycode=3072&mfrcode=QUI&mfrpartnumber=3900, about $15

12 volt coolers - These range in size to hold 2 soda cans up to full size refrigerators for recreational vehicles.

Example models:

VDP Road Chill 2-pack Cooler. At www.jcwhitney.com/autoparts/ItemBrowse/c-10101/s-10101/p-100000299067/mediaCode-ZX/appId-100000299067/Pr-p_CATENTRY_ID:100000299067, about $30.

Multipurpose lights - Can be incandescent, flourescent or led. They might plug into the cigarette lighter socket, might be wired directly into the car's power circuits, or be battery operated and portable. If used while the vehicle is not running, a consideration may be that led models will drain the battery the least (but in general produce less light).

Example models:

Bonatrade International 6-Watt Single Tube 12V Fluorescent Light. At www.jcwhitney.com/autoparts/ItemBrowse/c-10101/s-10101/p-100000218648/mediaCode-ZX/appId-100000218648/Pr-p_CATENTRY_ID:100000218648">www.jcwhitney.com, about $15.

Custom Accessories 10716 Power Lite: Magnet Mount. Plugs into cigarette lighter jack. At www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=1292120&cp=1312328.1258923&parentPage=family, about $10.

Custom Accessories 76665 Utility Light 12v sold at www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=1381736&cp=1312328.1258923&parentPage=family, about $3.

Voltec Industries 0800255 Trouble Light: 12 Volt. At http://www.partsamerica.com/ProductDetail.aspx?categorycode=3158&mfrcode=VTI&mfrpartnumber=0800255 (www.advanceautoparts.com), about $4.

Alert HC20 Halogen Worklight 12v. At http://www.partsamerica.com/ProductDetail.aspx?categorycode=3158&mfrcode=ALE&mfrpartnumber=HC20 (www.advanceautoparts.com), about $20.

Compass - Some are magnetic, mechanical; some are battery powered with digital displays, can be lighted to read at night, and/or have additional features such as time, date, and/or temperature.

example models:

Wayfinder V100 Digital Compass. At http://store.yahoo.com/rodi/v100.html, about $24.

NexxTech™ Digital Compass with Calendar, Clock and Temperature. At www.circuitcity.com/ssm/NexxTech-Digital-Compass-with-Calendar-Clock-and-Temperature-631-1000-/sem/rpsm/oid/100535/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do, about $30.

Radio Shack 63-1221 Digital Vehicle Compass. At http://www.radioshack.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=CTLG&category%5Fname=CTLG%5F010%5F004%5F001%5F000&product%5Fid=63%2D1221, about $20.

Custom Accessories 18100. At http://www.partsamerica.com/ProductDetail.aspx?categorycode=3037&mfrcode=CSM&mfrpartnumber=18100 (www.advanceautoparts.com), about $10.

Custom Accessories 55558. At http://www.partsamerica.com/ProductDetail.aspx?categorycode=3037&mfrcode=CSM&mfrpartnumber=55558 (www.advanceautoparts.com), about $5.

Type S Compass. At http://store.yahoo.com/rodi/compass.html (www.autobarn.com), about $5.

Flashlight - Dozens of types available including windups that don't require batteries, solar rechargeables, flourescent tube (bulbs last much longer), and led models that will run many hours on one set of batteries.

example models:

Energizer Folding LED Compact Mini Lantern Model # LED4AA1BP. At www.coolflashlights.com/LED-Lights_a.html, about $15.

Dorcy Waterproof LED 4AA Flashlight. At www.coolflashlights.com/LED-Lights_b.html, about $15.

Dorcy Mini LED Zoom Spot or Area Hanging Lantern. At www.coolflashlights.com/LED-Lights_c.html, for about $15.

Himount Windup LED Flashlight. At www.jcwhitney.com/autoparts/Product/tf-Browse/s-10101/Pr-p_Product.CATENTRY_ID:2010116/showCustom-0/p-2010116/N-111+10201+600002964/c-10101, about $20.

4 point safety harness - Has four anchor points with a restraint for each shoulder. These are more likely to get you through a crash with less injury than if you had been using a standard belt (across one shoulder and across the lap). Many of these models are made to attach to a roll bar, so make sure the one you are getting is appropriate for your vehicle.

example models:

Peak Racing Equipment PEK-507-2. At http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0006HPOIA, about $75.

Peak Racing Equipment PEK-507-2. At http://store.summitracing.com/default.asp?target=search.asp&type=bysummitpart&searchtype=both∂=pek-507-1, about $70.

Power inverter - Plugs into the cigarette lighter sockect, clips to battery, or wire it in. The vehicle's 12 volts dc is changed to 120 volts ac to power things like laptop computers, coffee makers, cell phones, camcorder battery chargers and other small appliances. Don't go bigger than 400 watts unless you want to go directly to the battery with heavy wire. Even then, high power devices will drain your battery quickly and could fry the alternator if the engine is running.

example models:

Coleman Powermate CMN-PMP400 400 watt. At http:// store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?part=cmn%2dpmp400, about $60.

Motor Trend power inverter HDL-MTI-12-3716. At http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?part=HDL%2DMTI%2D12%2D3716, about $60.

Xantrex X Power Mobile Plug 75. At http://www.fisheriessupply.com/online/ln_menu/product.asp/mode/1/product_id/116429/letter/X/N/4294873001/catalog_name/FISCO, about $30.

Go Power GP 175 Modified Sine Wave Inverter. At store.hamiltonmarine.com/browse.cfm/4,25448.html, about $30.

Other accessories that can be used to enhance your car include seat covers, floor mats, steering wheel covers, sun shades, head rest covers, litter bags, can and cup holders, inside/outside thermometer, gps/map device, extra loud or novelty sound horns.

Items to keep in your car for repair, emergency, safety, miscellaneous- Jack, lug wrench, trouble light, flares, jumper cables, maps, cell phone and phone numbers, coolant for radiator, drinking water, long storage food, empty container for gasoline, various hand tools, gloves, coat, hat, blanket, rain poncho, and a first aid kit.

About the author:

This article can be published in print or electronically, free of charge as long as it is complete, unaltered and contains the following author info and links (text only or active):

Alan Detwiler is the author of several books on leisure activities. The books are available at Amazon.com

He has web sites about things to do for fun at www.leisureideas.com and homemade improvised devices at www.makegizmos.com
READ MORE - Add-on Accessories To Enhance Your Car

A Complete Online Store Features Premium Class Diesel Fuel Injection Parts and Other Performance Parts for Volvo

by: Kenneth McKinley

No matter what vehicle you drive, whether it is a passenger car, a van, a Sport Utility Vehicle or a truck, it is subject to common car problems from time to time. Volvo cars are no excuse. Despite this car’s renowned safety features, durable and high quality Volvo Parts, they are prone to wear and tear, especially when abused. In order for your Volvo car to work always at its best, it needs to be maintained. There are thousands of Volvo Parts and Auto Parts stores that can help you do this with ease and convenience, but only one gives you the most comprehensive line of Volvo Parts and Volvo Car Parts store.

Starting problems are among the most common car problems you might encounter while driving your Volvo car. If your engine cranks normally despite low or high temperatures, there must be a problem with the fuel injection system. As we all know, fuel is the lifeblood of the vehicle so if there is insufficient amount of fuel reaching the engine, your car won’t be able to perform as it should. Having reliable Volvo diesel fuel injection parts in your car can guarantee you more efficient delivery of fuel to the engine.

There’s a big difference between a low quality fuel injection than a first-class Volvo fuel injection. Although the latter may be priced higher than the first, your driving satisfaction is always guaranteed when you get a top quality product. Even fuel injectors with slightly higher ignition power can significantly improve engine performance and fuel emissions. Also, a dependable brand of fuel injection prevents common injection problems such as varnish deposits, clogging and fuel leakage. Of course you don’t want to sacrifice your driving satisfaction by getting low quality replacement auto parts so look for a Volvo Parts dealer that can supply you with the most dependable parts—new Volvo Parts and Used Volvo Parts alike.

Compared to gasoline injectors, the diesel fuel injectors operate at a higher pressure so they are required to meet higher quality standards. Extreme heat can also cause wear and tear faster than expected so your Volvo fuel injector must be highly resistant to extreme temperatures. High quality fuel injectors are usually made of high alloy chrome steel that can withstand harsh conditions under the hood. You can get this and other Volvo fuel injection parts at Volvo Parts and Car Parts (http://www.voparts.com), a comprehensive Volvo auto parts store specializing in selling highly durable and top quality Volvo Parts.

Upgrading your Volvo car need not be a problem if you know where to get the best replacement auto parts, whether you are looking for new and high quality Volvo Parts for Volvo C70, Volvo Parts for Volvo 740, Volvo 940 parts, Volvo S70 parts, Volvo S90 parts, Volvo 960 parts and others. Now it’s easier and faster with Volvo Parts and Auto Parts, the leading source of outstanding quality and affordable Volvo body parts and Volvo performance parts. The store offers free shipping to all users across the country, so Volvo Atlanta parts users and Volvo Seattle parts users alike can enjoy the same privileges and excellent deals—from north to south, east to west, Volvo Parts and Volvo Auto Parts is ready to provide for your Volvo replacement parts needs.

Other Volvo Parts for Volvo 740 and Volvo Parts for Volvo C70 include air intake, body parts and Volvo Accessories, clutch parts, Volvo mechanical parts, brakes, Volvo electrical engine parts, cooling system parts, suspension parts, Volvo transmission parts, exhaust system parts and a whole lot more. Even Volvo service tools are provided in this one-stop Volvo parts store so working on minor car problems on your own would be a lot easier now. If you want to replace busted Volvo lights, service tool kit can help you do the job without a fuss. Check out their site and be a step closer to making your Volvo car the best once again.

About the author:
Kenneth McKinley is a 35-year old marketing specialist of http://www.voparts.com,a leading Volvo parts dealer in the country today. Working in the car parts industry for a long time now and being a car enthusiast himself gives him a wealth of knowledge on anything automotive.
READ MORE - A Complete Online Store Features Premium Class Diesel Fuel Injection Parts and Other Performance Parts for Volvo

2007 Lexus GS 450h: Full Hybrid Technology Revs Up With Superior Toyota Aftermarket Parts

by: Jenny McLane

The 2007 Lexus GS 450h is the world's first hybrid luxury sedan and the first full hybrid vehicle with a front engine and rear wheel drive.

'Once again, we've applied our formula of no compromise engineering - this time to a luxury sport sedan which proves to us that hybrid power trains can work superbly in virtually any application,' said Lexus Vice President of Marketing Mark Templin. 'It's very important to continue pursuing substantial reductions in fuel consumption and emissions, while continuing to improve performance and driving pleasure. Our customers wouldn't have it any other way.

It will be a rear wheel drive full hybrid making it able to travel at low speeds under electric propulsion alone. Lexus says the GS 450h will have gas mileage similar to the average 2-liter, 4-cylinder compact sedan.

The Lexus GS 450h is a Super Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle. A SULEV-rated vehicle is 90% cleaner than the average new car.

The GS 450h will have a 3.5-liter V6 engine combined with a high-output electric motor--all driving the rear wheels--to pack horsepower at the level of a V8 engine. Lexus says it will have horsepower equivalent to a 4.5 liter V8. 0-60 acceleration is expected to be less than 6 seconds. For perspective, the 2006 GS 430 has a 4.3-liter V8 that has 300 horsepower.

It's built on the GS 430 platform and offers similar standard equipment and options, including a sunroof and perforated leather seats. It is visually identical to the GS 430, except for a large air dam on the front bumper to cool the electric motor, a power meter on the dashboard instead of an odometer, and 18-inch light-alloy wheels.

Hybrid technology, driving dynamics, motoring comfort and generous space inside redefines the new Lexus GS450h. Featuring more powerful and fuel efficient engines, innovative assistance systems, a wide range of safety features, as well as a superior standard of equipment, the new Toyota Lexus of today need no less than superior BMW replacement parts when the need arises.

This is where Parts Train comes in. Having a vast array of well crafted Toyota Replacement Parts, Performance Parts, Aftermarket Parts to choose from its online store at http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/TOYOTA available 24 hours a day to serve your most demanding auto parts needs. Excellence is synonymous to service for all of Parts Train's customer service staff in dealing with all of your auto parts inquiries.

About the author:
Jenny McLane is a 36 year old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about it. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading car parts suppliers in the country today.

READ MORE - 2007 Lexus GS 450h: Full Hybrid Technology Revs Up With Superior Toyota Aftermarket Parts

2006 Toyota Tacoma

by: stuart simpson

Another impressive redesign by Toyota this year was the new 2006 Toyota Tacoma. This truck has morphed from a small to a mid-size pickup truck. You are familiar with the Tacoma’s of the past. They are as reliable as the day is long, but how will the new truck compare?

I went shopping, and to be honest, I was checking out the Nissan Frontier, too. Its been redesigned and is about the same size as the new Tacoma. The Nissan has a rail system in the bed of the truck, but the Toyota has it on the deck edge up higher. I like it better as it seems as though it would make tying off items a lot easier. Also, in the bed, there are two neat lockable storage compartments nestled so they aren’t noticed. Pretty slick.

The new V6 has 236hp, which is no slouch in anyone’s book. The old V6 had about 190 hp I think. The standard 4-cylinder is 2.7 liters and rates 164 hp, which is more than most V6’s.

There’s an X-Runner available, which is more for show and go, than off road or work. My dad got the previous version, which was an S-Runner Tacoma. They are slick. Dad’s is way cool, and I’ve seen only one X-Runner at a car show as they sell before they are around on the lot too long. A pickup that can hold .9G’s on the skid pad will rival most sports cars. Basically, the X-runner has everything. The Prerunner and double cab are the top of the line for the 4x4 trucks, but they have many options. The only option I can find on the X-runner is daytime running lights.

Don’t worry, the SR5 still comes loaded up with a chrome grill, color bumpers, overfenders, leather steering wheel, and variable windshield wipers. The V6 has fog lamps and the sport package includes the limited-slip rear differential. The off-road package adds larger wheels, better suspension with bilstein shocks, a locking rear differential and skid plates and tow hooks.

The TRD Sport truck is my favorite with the hood scoop, 17” wheels, nicer seats, power outlet and a neat overhead console with compass and temperature gauge.

The Tacoma isn’t the little truck you see around anymore. My dad’s had 4. I’ve only owned one Toyota truck and I drove it until the wheels fell off. But you know what? It started and ran every time. I’m sure the trucks we see on the lot today will last another generation due to Toyota’s unsurpassed quality.

About the author:
Stuart Simpson
READ MORE - 2006 Toyota Tacoma

2006 Pontiac G6 Coupe Redefines Performance; Is Further Enhanced with GM Performance and Aftermarket Parts from Parts Train

by: Jenny McLane

"The G6 coupe and convertible are uniquely Pontiac vehicles that are great additions to the family started by the G6 sedan," said Jim Bunnell, Pontiac-GMC general manager. "The G6 coupe delivers outstanding performance and generous interior room, and the G6 is the only hardtop convertible that has room for four adults."

Both the G6 coupe and G6 convertible will be available in GT and GTP models. The GTPs will feature a 240 horsepower 3.9L OHV V6 coupled to a 4-speed automatic with manual shift mode or a 6-speed manual in the coupe and sedan models - a package that targets driving enthusiasts.

From styling to interior fit, finish and materials quality, interior room to driving dynamics, the new G6 is a solid step up from the old model. The coupe and convertible models have all-new body panels rearward of the A-pillars. Large, wraparound tail lamps on both models create a distinct look compared to the G6 sedan. LED-lit Center High Mounted Stop Lamps (CHMSLs) on the coupe and convertible differ from the traditional incandescent bulbs of the sedan's CHMSL. The coupe's CHMSL is located at the base of the rear window, while the convertible's is a wider lamp incorporated into the decklid, creating a distinct design element.

Powered by the 3.5L V-6, GT models produce 200 horsepower (149 kw) at 4800 rpm with 220 lb.-ft. of torque (302 Nm) at 4400 rpm. The 3500 engine is backed by the Hydra-Matic 4T45-E electronically controlled four-speed automatic transmission with manual shift mode.

The GTP models are powered by an all-new 3.9L HO V-6, which is rated at 240 horsepower (179 kw) at 5900 rpm with 245 lb.-ft. of torque (339 Nm) at 2800 rpm. It is paired in the standard package with the Hydra-Matic 4T65-E with manual shift mode. It also is available with a six-speed manual transmission in the G6 coupe.

The GTs use the 4T45-E Hydra-Matic, and the GTPs use the 4T65-E Hydra-Matic, both with a manual shift mode rendered superfluous with only four forward gears

For all of your GM needs you can browse through one of the largest GM Parts suppliers in the Us at Parts Train. Search online for the latest GM parts, accessories & products at http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/PONTIAC and you are on your way to satisfying your Pontiac car parts needs.

About the author:
Jenny McLane is a 36 year old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about it. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading car parts suppliers in the country today.
READ MORE - 2006 Pontiac G6 Coupe Redefines Performance; Is Further Enhanced with GM Performance and Aftermarket Parts from Parts Train

2006 Mercury Mariner Hybrid and Ford Performance Parts

by: Jenny McLane

The Mercury Mariner Hybrid uses both gasoline engine and electric motor, which gives a 50% increase in driving efficiency with a much lower emission. All this is achieved by the use of 6 powertrain components, which work in perfect unison. Ford motor has 40 patents in hybrid engine technology and 70 pending.

"The greatest appeal of the Mercury Mariner Hybrid is that it satisfies both your environmental conscience and sense of style. Mariner Hybrid retains the clean, tailored appearance of the conventional Mariner," said Peter Horbury, Executive Director, North American Design.

Being a full hybrid, the Mercury Mariner employs both series- and parallel-hybrid characteristics. The gasoline engine shuts down to conserve fuel during coasting, at stoplights, and at low speeds. The electric motor, drawing electricity from the battery, is able to drive the vehicle without assistance up to 25 mph.

It has 2.3-liter DOHC Duratec four-cylinder engine with 2 ac electric motors with 250 D-size nickel-metal hydride batteries in a compact, rear-mounted, sealed package. The vehicle could go up to 25 mph with only electric power. The gas engine automatically shuts down at stoplights, during coasting or while vehicle is crawling at low speeds. 2006 Mercury Mariner Hybrid has a greater fuel economy in city driving where electric motor runs the vehicle up to as much as 25 mph.

The Mariner hybrid has 16-inch, five-spoke aluminum wheels wrapped with 235/70R-16 all-season tires and a discreet air vent in the driver's side rear-quarter window that helps cool the rear-mounted nickel-metal hydride battery pack. It has an all-new Intelligent 4WD System, which automatically transfers torque from front to rear as required by road conditions without driver intervention.

Mariner powertrains include a 2.3-liter 16-valve I-4 and a 3.0-liter 24-valve V-6 Duratec engine. Both engines come with a standard 4-speed automatic transaxle.

It also features a front end with the vertical, satin-aluminum-finished waterfall grille framing the floating Mercury emblem. The fascia features a stacked-element theme with complex refractor headlamps over inset fog lamps. A high-impact-plastic (HIP) aluminum-look bumper insert and U-shaped air intake below the bumper.

Mariner has the latest level of the Personal Safety SystemTM, one of the most comprehensive and technologically advanced safety systems available in any vehicle in any class. Seat-mounted front side air bags and side air curtain air bags are optional.

"Mariner Hybrid fits perfectly with Mercury's design philosophy," says Richard Gresens, Mariner chief designer. "It's a stylish, elegant design with clean simple lines. It's an urban sport-utility, comfortable going to a club downtown, yet still possessing all of the capability and versatility of a sport-utility. At the same time, it's environmentally friendly."

To continue Ford's tradition of offering environment friendly, outstanding value and class leading amenities, auto parts companies like Partstrain offers top of the line Ford Parts. The customer has a choice from a vast array of Performance Parts, Replacement Parts, Aftermarket Parts and accessories. It offers new and used Ford auto body and engine parts, headlights, transmission parts, taillights, radiators, wheels, rims, and more.

You can shop securely for your Ford parts with Parts Train's online store at http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/FORD The Ford OEM parts you need are in stock and ready to be shipped.

About the author:
Jenny McLane is a 36 year old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about it. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading car parts suppliers in the country today.

READ MORE - 2006 Mercury Mariner Hybrid and Ford Performance Parts

2006 Honda Civic Si: Automotive Innovation at its Best, Complemented with Honda Parts from Parts Train

by: Jenny McLane

Designed as an "Advanced Personal Compact," the next-generation Si will incorporate flowing bodywork, a steeply angled windshield, and wide stance to suggest stability and forward motion. The new Si will be the fastest and most powerful Civic offered in its twenty-year history. The 2006 Civic lineup, launching this fall, will include a 4-door Sedan, a 2-door Coupe and Si Coupe, an even more fuel efficient Civic Hybrid and a natural-gas powered Civic GX.

The Civic Si Concept builds on its performance heritage with a 200-horsepower, 16-valve, and DOHC i-VTEC engine with an 8,000-rpm red line, mated to a close ratio 6-speed manual transmission. Helping to put all that power to the ground is a helical-type limited slip differential for improved launch traction and cornering performance.

A 200-horsepower 16-valve i-VTEC engine powers the 2006 Si. Honda sources indicate that next-generation i-VTEC technology will have significant gains in performance and fuel economy. A six-speed transmission will give drivers manual control of shift points up to the engine's redline of 8000 rpm, and a helical-type limited-slip differential will enhance traction and cornering ability.

The Si Concept includes performance features such as 18-inch cast aluminum wheels with 225/40R high performance tires, and 4-wheel disc brakes with large cross-drilled brake rotors. "The 2006 Civic Si Coupe will be the most powerful, fastest and fun-to-drive Si we've ever put on the street, and the Civic Si Concept sets the direction in terms of its styling, package and performance," said John Mendel, senior vice president of American Honda. "It's part of a new family of Civic vehicles that build on the already class-leading values of the Civic in terms of safety, styling, performance and fuel efficiency."

This new production Civic Si Coupe will serve as the performance leader for the 2006 Civic model lineup, which will be completely redesigned. The 2006 Civic will feature more emotional styling, enhanced performance, and the latest generation of "intelligent" i-VTEC engine technology.

One of the leading Honda Parts suppliers is Parts Train. They offer high quality aftermarket Honda auto parts at guaranteed lowest prices. Simply browse at http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/HONDA and you have access to one of the largest Honda auto parts wholesalers in the United States. Parts Train offers a variety of aftermarket and replacement Honda car parts including radiators, fog lights, tail lights, air filter, Honda engine parts and many other Honda replacement parts. Parts Train's very friendly and efficient customer service staff will be waiting for your enquiries.

About the author:
Jenny McLane is a 36 year old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about it. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading car parts suppliers in the country today.
READ MORE - 2006 Honda Civic Si: Automotive Innovation at its Best, Complemented with Honda Parts from Parts Train

2006 Chevrolet Trailblazer SS Plus the Chevrolet Performance and Aftermarket Parts

by: Jenny McLane

As the first truck developed by GM’s Performance Division, Trailblazer SS’ has a towing capacity up to 6,700 pounds with the two-wheel drive model and up to 6,500 pounds with the available all-wheel drive model. Cargo volume is 41 cubic feet (1161 liters) behind the rear seat and 80 cubic feet (2265 liters) with the rear seat folded.

GM's High Performance Vehicle Operations tuned the suspension and upgraded the brakes of the SS. It features stiffer springs, an inch lower ride height, and thicker anti-roll bars, as well as standard StabiliTrak stability control. Larger, 12.8-inch diameter front brake discs are fitted, allied to new iron twin-piston calipers, while the monster twenty-inch aluminum wheels have 255/50 V-rated tires.

The TrailBlazer SS has unique exterior styling and specific interior appointments, including prominent 20-inch flangeless wheels. Power is delivered by the Corvette-derived LS2 6.0L V-8, enabling a 0-60 mph time of 5.7 seconds. A performance suspension with lowered ride height also is part of the package and was tuned by GM’s Performance Division at several racetracks, including Germany’s legendary Nurburgring – a challenging road course that features more than 12.5 miles of turns and drastic elevation changes. The TrailBlazer SS is available in two-wheel drive and all-wheel drive configurations.

The four-wheel disc braking system of the TrailBlazer SS is enhanced with larger, 12.8-inch front disc brake rotors and new, iron twin-piston calipers. The heavy-duty iron calipers are stiff and retain their shape under high pressure/high heat braking conditions, providing a linear feel and reduced pedal travel in high-energy stops. The brake pads use the same high-performance linings as the Corvette for strong fade resistance. ABS is standard. There also is an accessory front brake-cooling package available for optimized track performance.
Chevrolet's engineers did extensive chassis tuning to the Trailblazer SS where they lowered the suspension 1-inch and add 25% stiffer springs. The ride height has been lowered about an inch using 25 percent stiffer for a firmer ride and reducing body roll, and to give the TrailBlazer SS a lower, more aggressive demeanor.

The SS model remains distinct with black-diamond grille, decklid spoiler, and generally looking more like the NASCAR cars Gordon campaigns. It has 20-inch polished aluminum wheels and four-wheel disks (12.8-inch rotors at the front). StabiliTrak and a rear air-leveling suspension are also standard for the SS.

The TrailBlazer SS’s engine has a composite intake manifold used in other mid-size trucks and was adapted to the LS2 to help produce balanced torque and horsepower within packaging parameters. The engine also has the Trailblazer's trademark pass-through oil pan. The pan’s cast-in passage allows the front differential’s half-shaft to run through the pan instead of under it. This helps keep the engine mounted lower in the chassis for better balance and a lower center of gravity. There also is a stylish SS-specific engine cover, radiator support cover and coordinated air induction box.

Backing the 6.0L V-8 is a new Hydra-Matic 4L70-E electronically controlled four-speed automatic transmission. It debuts in the TrailBlazer SS and was developed to handle the high horsepower and high torque loads of performance-oriented light-duty vehicles. Special high-strength and heat-treated materials are used throughout the 4L70-E to ensure it delivers smooth, dependable shifting. Partstrain manufactures and sells aftermarket performance products and accessories for GM vehicles. Partstrain strives to be the ultimate source for performance products and accessories for most GM vehicles.

Parts train's product line-up for the Chevrolet Trailblazer SS includes Engine system, Electrical system, Header, Exhaust, Hoods, Hubcaps, multiple Body Kit designs, Suspension, Condensers, Bumpers, Radiator Support, Spoiler, Catalytic Converter, and a variety of additional upgrades that compliment the car.

Its extensive array of maximum quality GMC Replacement Parts and great wholesale deals await you at http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/GMC . A wide variety of maximum quality Chevrolet Replacement Parts, Aftermarket Parts, Performance Parts and great wholesale deals await you in our online store. In case you have any difficulties in choosing Chevrolet Parts, its friendly customer service representatives are ready to serve you.

About the author:
Jenny McLane is a 36 year old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about it. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading car parts suppliers in the country today.
READ MORE - 2006 Chevrolet Trailblazer SS Plus the Chevrolet Performance and Aftermarket Parts

2006 Chevrolet Corvette: GM's Fastest and Most Powerful Car with Superior Aftermarket Parts at Partstrain

by: Jenny McLane

The 2006 Chevrolet Corvette has a chassis, which is all aluminum, hydro formed in similar dies to those used to build the standard steel C6 frame. Magnesium and carbon fiber parts are also used to help contain the total curb weight to less than 3150 pounds.

The front grille is larger, and an additional small scoop in front of the hood gulps cool intake air. Barely visible from a distance, 1-centimeter-wide black strips follow the wheel arches, oriented at a right angle to the fender. The carbon fiber front fenders are flared to accommodate 275/35ZR18 tires and the rear quarter panels are widened 1.5 inches to clear massive 325/30ZR19s. It has a 427.6-cubic-inch small-block LS7 engine, good for 500 horsepower at 6200 rpm and 475 pound-feet of torque at 4800 rpm. Titanium connecting rods, intake valves, and valve springs permit 7000-rpm revving, for this, the ultimate small-block.

An all-new LS7 7.0-liter V-8 (the displacement works out to 427 cubic inches) is said to churn out 500 horsepower. It will also be fitted with wider tires and larger Brembo brakes. Body modifications include a high-rise hood, deep side skirts and cooling ducts ahead of the rear wheels.

The engine is an aluminum block designed for stiffness and a special camshaft design for better engine breathing. The aluminum block, cylinder heads, camshaft and induction systems are revised for better breathing at a high rpm. A positive crankcase ventilation system improves oil control during racetrack and acceleration maneuvers, a Z06 titanium exhaust system, mufflers and tailpipes have less mass and more strength than its aluminum or magnesium counterparts. Producing 405-horsepower at 6000 rpm and capable of zero-to-60 in less than four seconds.

The car's larger-displacement engine and light weight are claimed to deliver 0-to-60-mph acceleration times of less than 4 seconds, a 12-second quarter-mile and a top speed of more than 190 mph on the track. Just as the base engine grew to 6.0 liters and became the LS2, the Z06 power plant has grown to 7.0 liters and becomes the LS7 V-8. It's rated for 500 hp at 6,200 rpm and 475 pounds-feet of torque at 4,800 rpm

Red brake calipers employ six pistons apiece up front, four pistons per side in the rear and 20 individual brake pads, which Chevrolet says deliver more even wear. The ventilated, cross-drilled brake rotors measure 14 inches in front and 13.4 inches in the rear. ABS is standard.

The new Chevy Corvette has all performance systems including engine, transmission, chassis, tires and suspension. Standard Active Handling works in conjunction with Traction Control and ABS on select 03 and 2005 2006 Chevrolet Corvettes, making maximum use of available traction to assist the driver, when needed, in keeping the car in line with steering input.

Simply click on http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/GMC and have a look at its extensive stock of dependable, long lasting Chevrolet replacement parts, performance parts, body parts etc. It could be the start of great savings for you while preserving the performance of the car that exudes performance and comfort.

About the author:
Jenny McLane is a 36 year old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about it. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading car parts suppliers in the country today.
READ MORE - 2006 Chevrolet Corvette: GM's Fastest and Most Powerful Car with Superior Aftermarket Parts at Partstrain

2005 VOLVO S40: Can now be Accentuated with Volvo Performance Parts from Parts Train

by: Jenny McLane

The most noteworthy element with this next-generation S40 is the sculpted shoulder line that starts at the front of the car between the headlights and grille and is carried across the beltline all the way back to the taillights. The new Volvo will be available with two new gasoline engines, the 2.4-liter five-cylinder with 168 hp and 170 lb-ft of torque, and as the T5 with the 2.5-liter low-pressure turbo with 218 hp and 236 lb-ft of torque.

The S40 T5's engine is the familiar 2.5-liter twin-cam, low-pressure turbocharged, intercooled in-line five-cylinder found in most other Volvo lines. Its 218 horsepower (at 5000 rpm) and 236 lb-ft of torque (between 1500 and 4800 rpm) have almost 750 lbs less car to move than the similar engine in an S60 2.5T AWD.

The S40 is offered in two different five-cylinder engines, the 168-hp 2.4L gas engine and the 218-hp 2.5L turbo gas engine, badged 2.4i and T5 respectively. The T5 is available in 2WD or AWD mated to a five -speed Geartronic automatic transmission or a six-speed manual. Standard features include cruise control, alloy wheels, daytime running lights, and an AM/FM stereo with CD player. The T5 trim upgrades by adding a trip computer, front fog lights, automatic climate control, a power driver's seat, and interior wood trim. The optional Climate Package, available on both trims, equips the S40 with heated front seats, rain-sensing wipers, and headlight washers.

Other features of the Volvo S40: Stability and Traction Control (STC), Available Electronically Controlled All Wheel Drive, the Volvo S40 T5 and T5 AWD offer a transversely mounted, 2.5-liter, 5-cylinder turbocharged engine with 218 hp, Ultra-Slim Center Control Panel, 6-speed manual transmission on the S40 T5 and T5 AWD, Intelligent Driver Information System (IDIS).

The new Volvo S40 has the safety equipment that includes dual stage airbags, side airbags, WHIPS (Whiplash Protection System), collapsible pedals, seatbelt pretensioners for the front and rear outer seats, and a force limiter for the front seatbelts. The S40 has anti-lock brakes and emergency brake assistance, while ESP and traction control are also available.

Like Volvo, the car manufacturer whose foremost concern is fulfilling the needs of its customer's worldwide, Parts train is strongly committed to the utmost satisfaction of its customer base. It is one of the leading Volvo Parts suppliers in the US. You can check out their Volvo Parts Catalog at http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/VOLVO .

About the author:
Jenny McLane is a 36 year old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about it. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading car parts suppliers in the country today.
READ MORE - 2005 VOLVO S40: Can now be Accentuated with Volvo Performance Parts from Parts Train

2005 Mitsubishi Outlander Reinforced Safety with Matched Performance Parts and Accessories

by: Jenny McLane

The Outlander is built on a rigid unibody chassis and benefits from Mitsubishi's extensive experience in international rallies and raids. The Outlander benefits from such body-strengthening techniques as MASH seam welding and what Mitsubishi calls its RISE design (Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution). Much of this technology was developed from the company's winning efforts in the Paris-Dakar raid as well as its involvement in the World Rally Championship with the Lance

It has four doors and a roomy cargo area that's easily accessible. Like other small crossover sport utilities, the Mitsubishi Outlander offers elevated seating for better visibility.

Mitsubishi's 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine is rated at 160 horsepower, matching the output of the Honda CR-V and Toyota RAV4. Mitsubishi tuned the Outlander's engine to deliver the bulk of its torque at lower engine speeds. Mitsubishi's MIVEC electronic variable-valve setup helps the engine to operate at peak power and efficiency throughout the rev range.

The 2005 Mitsubishi Outlander is available in three models: LS, XLS, and Limited. All come with the 160-horsepower 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine. Most models come standard with an automatic, but the base models come with a five-speed manual. Each is available with front-wheel drive (2WD) or all-wheel drive (AWD).

The LS trim includes air conditioning; cruise control; power windows and locks; power folding rearview mirrors; a height-adjustable steering wheel; height-adjustable driver's seat; a 140-watt, four-speaker AM/FM/CD audio system. It also has an analog clock; center console with storage; two 12-volt accessory outlets; 60/40 split, folding and reclining back seat; intermittent windshield and rear window wipers, and 16-inch steel wheels. A cargo cover, floor mats, keyless entry, and roof rails come standard on the AWD model and are optional on the 2WD model

XLS trim adds a rear spoiler, premium cloth seat fabric, extra speakers, whiteface gauges and clock, a leather steering wheel and shift knob, see-through headrests, a tubular roof rack and alloy wheels. Options for XLS 2WD include a Sun & Sound package with a 210-watt Infinity audio system with six-CD changer and sunroof.

The new Limited and Limited AWD have heated leather seats, front side airbags, heated outside mirrors, and body-colored fender flares and air dams.

Safety equipment includes three-point seatbelts for all five seating positions. Both front seats feature seatbelt pretensioner and force-limiter technology, which can help reduce injuries in an accident. Also standard are: child safety seat anchors. Anti-lock brakes are optional on the XLS and Limited models; ABS helps the driver maintain control of the car in an emergency braking situation.

Parts and accessories for Mitsubishi are available at Parts Train. All you have to do is go to http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/MITSUBISHI and choose which ones are compatible for your needs. The advantage of using Mitsubishi parts and accessories is that these are especially designed to work well with all Mitsubishi cars and therefore you have ensured performance and maximized workability out of these parts and accessories.

Partstrain also offers car parts, which are continuously being improved upon to ensure quality service and performance.

About the author:
Jenny McLane is a 36 year old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about it. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading car parts suppliers in the country today.
READ MORE - 2005 Mitsubishi Outlander Reinforced Safety with Matched Performance Parts and Accessories

2005 Honda Odyssey: Honda Factory Replacement Parts at Partstrain for High Power, Economy and Lower Emissions

by: Jenny Mc Lane

The 2005 Honda Odyssey has high power with efficiency, economy and lower emissions. For better mileage, three cylinders shut down at cruising speeds. Electronic liquid-filled engine mounts mask vibrations during the transition, and a noise-canceling frequency broadcast through the sound system minimizes audible evidence.

The Odyssey's highly adaptable interior includes a stowable 2nd-row Plus One Seat™ that allows seating for eight (EX), and one-motion 60/40-split 3rd-row Magic Seat® that makes cargo loading even easier. You can even entertain passengers with the Honda DVD Entertainment System with remote control, 9” screen, and personal surround sound headsets. And with the new Michelin® PAX® System on the Touring model, you can travel on a punctured tire at 50 mph for up to 125 miles. Discover new levels of confidence while navigating through an uncertain world.

The 2005 Honda Odyssey has high power with efficiency, economy and lower emissions. For better mileage, three cylinders shut down at cruising speeds. Electronic liquid-filled engine mounts mask vibrations during the transition, and a noise-canceling frequency broadcast through the sound system minimizes audible evidence.

Its power-operated rear seat foldaway system is a testimony to the Odyssey Luxury by pushing a button in the cargo area; the third row seat automatically tumbles beneath the floor for a perfectly flat cargo surface. It’s extremely impressive to watch. There’s no fumbling about with seatbelts or latches – you only need to ensure the head restraints are tilted forward before pushing the button. When even more carrying capacity is needed, the second row seat’s 60:40 split backrests can be folded forward.

The Luxury version of the Odyssey has illuminated vanity mirrors, auto headlights (which come on too late), a 6-stack CD player, lidded second row door pockets, extensive use of wood grain and titanium-look trim, 8 way electric driver’s seat adjustment and Two-stage electric front seat warmers. An electric glass sunroof is also standard.

New safety features include Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA®), a new feature that enhances stability by detecting oversteer or understeer. For the Odyssey Luxury safety, measures include a “crash compatible body”, standard dual-stage front and side airbags with occupant position detection sensors, front seatbelt pre -tensioners and force limiters and front buckle pre-tensioners. All seating positions feature adjustable head restraints. The Luxury is also fitted with curtain airbags that cover all three seating rows.

Partstrain sells factory replacement Honda Parts accessories online at discounted wholesale prices, specializing in OEM and Aftermarket parts. Partstrain offers a superior array of Honda body replacement parts and accessories for models like Honda Odyssey, Honda Accord, Honda Civic, Honda CRV, Honda CRX, Honda Del Sol, Honda Insight, Honda Passport, Honda Pilot, Honda Prelude, Honda S2000.

Parts Train's online store http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/HONDA is available 24 hours a day and guaranteed to be of highest quality are always sold at lower prices than those of a dealership. They provide great discounts, fast shipping, and superb customer support.

About the author:
Jenny McLane is a 36 year old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about it. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading car parts suppliers in the country today.
READ MORE - 2005 Honda Odyssey: Honda Factory Replacement Parts at Partstrain for High Power, Economy and Lower Emissions

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